She gave me insight and comfort in my own body, a wealth of tailored-to-me womb wisdom I didn't even know I was lacking, or seeking. Feeling these warm, steady, love-filled hands on my abdomen, speaking truths about my experience... I didn't expect to be moved. I didn't expect to feel soothed and nurtured, like a normal massage but with more intention, more personal.
Long ago, in a borough far far away, a girl who should have been born in the decade of peace and love found herself in uncomfortable circumstances. As someone who has always sought out the alternative, the spiritual, the unusual, growing up in Queens, NY in most ways was anything but. The concrete jungle, a place of noisy buses and trains, graffiti concrete borders, and constant movement, can be very draining on the soul of an empath, on a girl who felt anything and everything around her, and yet had a hard time finding connection.